As a Gorean Gemsmith I create not only jewelry but fine weapons and locks. Pictures do exist for some work butcustom work I do often does not exist in picture form, all crafted pieces are described in words Selling prices for custom work are usually higher than simpler, less expensive pieces that can be produced in quantity. Though I do quantity work, the great majority of patronage is custom work. I do repeat use of a design, especially when a customer requests it. Prices listed here are based on cost of materials.

Long Sword

The Long sword is commonly used by the warriors of Torvaldsland.
Approximately 36 inches in length, the forging of these "long swords" follows the pattern of the swords in the Damascus style.
 In this method, many billets of steel, both hard (high carbon) and soft or flexible (tool) steel are beaten together under heat and folded back upon itself and beaten flat again.  This folding creates a blade with both a tremendous amount of flexibility and also one that is virtually unbreakable.
Treated with a mild acid solution, reveals the pattern formed by the layers of the different steels
This pattern is different from blade to blade and gives the sword it's unique appearance
Handcrafted and Priced Accordingly